Medical emergencies can arise any time. However, if you are prepared to handle it, then it can even help you save lives. Almost everyone can use basic first aid items which are packed in our large first aid kit. It must be borne in mind that some times only first aid is not enough. You must seek proper medical care form a medical center or a hospital after applying first aid. You are at your home with your family or driving anywhere, keeping this extremely useful bag can become really handy which can help you handle unexpected emergencies, timely.
We offer 100% brand new and high quality first aid kit / emergency medical kit which is easy to carry and store anywhere you want. Furthermore, you also do not need any expertise to use these basic first aid item for minor scratches or injuries which, if not dealt timely and with care, can turn into a medical disaster. We promise very high quality product at cheapest possible price.
Product Specifications:
- Bag Quantity: 1 Bag
- Number of Items : 180 Pieces
- Bag Color: Red
- Bag Size: 23 x 14 x 6 cm
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